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Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi

General information Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi is a facial muscle that lifts the upper lip and flares the nostrils. Literal meaning The muscle from the wing of the nose that elevates the upper lip. Interesting information Levator...

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Levator Anguli Oris

General information Levator anguli oris is one of the muscles of facial expression. Literal meaning The muscle that lifts the corners of the mouth Interesting information Levator anguli oris is a facial muscle that arises from the canine...

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Lateral Rectus

General information Lateral rectus is a muscle in the orbit (eye) that controls movement. Literal meaning The side straight muscle (of the eye). Interesting information Lateral rectus is one of six extraocular muscles which include inferior...

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Lateral Pterygoid

General information The lateral pterygoid, also known as the external pterygoid, is a muscle of mastication (chewing). Literal meaning The wing-shaped muscle to the side. Interesting information The lateral pterygoid muscle has two distinct...

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Inferior Rectus

General information Inferior rectus muscle is part of the extraocular muscles along with five other muscles. Four of these muscles, including the inferior rectus, control eye movement in the cardinal directions. Literal meaning The inferior...

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Digastric muscle

General information The digastric muscle or digastricus is one of six key muscles which assist in the movement of the human jaw. The digastric muscle helps to open the mouth by lowering the mandible. Literal meaning The muscle with two...

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Depressor Supercilii

General information The depressor supercilii is a facial muscle located in the eye region. Literal meaning The muscle that presses the partition down. Interesting information The nature of this muscle is in some dispute. Some consider it to...

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Depressor Septi Nasi

General information The depressor septi nasi is one of three separate nasal muscles. Literal meaning The muscle that presses the partition of the nose down. Interesting information This muscle has more than one action, being responsible for...

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Depressor Labii Inferioris

General information The depressor labii inferioris is one of approximately 40 muscles in the human face and assists in making a pout of the lips. It is located below the bottom lip near the chin. Literal meaning The muscles that depress the...

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Corrugator Supercilii

General information The corrugator supercilii is a small, slender, pyramid-shaped muscle that is located between the frontalis and the orbicularis oculi, at the inner end of the eyebrow. Literal meaning The muscle that wrinkles above the...

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General information The buccinator muscle is a thin quadrilateral facial muscle which lies on the side of the face near the cheeks between the maxilla and the mandible (the upper and lower jaws). It connects the cheek and jaw bones to the...

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Skull or Facial Fracture

A facial fracture is when one or more of the bones in your face end up broken. The bones in the face encompass those surrounding the eye, nose, jaw and cheekbones. Facial fractures might end up causing damage to surrounding tissue. Facial...