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Bone Tumor (Osteochondroma)

Tumors are lumps or masses of tissue that form when the cells end up dividing uncontrollably.  Growing tumors might end up replacing healthy tissues with abnormal tissue.  It could end up weakening the bone and cause it to break...

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Osteocartilaginous Exostosis

An osteocartilaginous exotosis is commonly known as an osteochondroma which is a benign bone tumour. Growing tumors might end up replacing healthy tissues with abnormal tissue. It could end up weakening the bone and cause it to break...

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Ganglion Cyst

Ganglion cysts are a noncancerous lump that tends to develop along the joints or the tendons within the hands and the wrists. They can also occur in the feet and the ankles. They are generally a round or oval shape and consist of a...

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Dystonia is a disorder that affects movement, causing a person's muscles contract uncontrollably. When these contractions occur, the muscle group or affected body part twists involuntarily and results in repetitive movements or abnormal...

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Growth Plate Fractures

Growth plate fractures often affect the layer of tissue growing near the end portions of the child’s long bones.  Growth plates tend to be the weakest and softest parts of the skeleton.  Sometimes, they are even weaker than that of the...

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Gait Re-Education

While it is hard for anyone to imagine the thought of having to learn how to walk again, this is a terrifying reality for many people who have to rehabilitate from injuries, illness, or disease. What is Gait Re-Education In situations where...

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An osteochondroma is a benign bone tumour. Growing tumors might end up replacing healthy tissues with abnormal tissue. It could end up weakening the bone and cause it to break (fracture). Most of the time, the bone tumor is noncancerous...

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Fibromyalgia is a type of disorder identified by widespread pain in multiple joints and muscles in the body. In addition, sufferers report problems with sleep, fatigue, mood issues and memory problems. Researchers believe that the condition...

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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex regional pain syndrome is a type of condition that is an uncommon form of chronic pain affecting a leg or an arm. The syndrome normally develops after an injury, stroke, heart attack or surgery, but the pain tends to be out of...

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a type of condition that causes you to feel so tired that you are unable to perform your normal activities for the day. Other symptoms exist as well, but being tired for more than six months is often the main...

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Focal Dystonia

Dystonia is a movement disorder causing the muscles to involuntarily spasm and contract. Opposing muscles will often contract simultaneously, just like as if they were trying to compete to control a specific body part. Involuntary muscle...

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Strokes occur whenever the blood supply to a part of your brain is severely reduced or interrupted, which results in the brain tissue being deprived of oxygen. Within a matter of minutes, the brain cells begin dying off. Strokes are a...