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Posted on 28th Jul 2020 / Published in: Hip

General information

The pubococcygeus is part of the levator ani muscle, along with the Iliococcygeus.

Literal meaning

The time of coming of hairs.

Interesting information

Its literal meaning is in reference to the appearance of hairs around the genitalia when a young man or woman becomes sexually mature.


Posterior surface of the pubic body.


Fibres merge into prostate (male) and vagina (female), into the perineal body and rectum, pass behind rectum to form a muscular sling, and attach onto the front of the coccyx via an aponeurosis.


Compress the urethra, vagina, and anus; elevate the recto-anal junction; support pelvic viscera; increase intra-abdominal pressure; active in normal quiet inspiration.

Nerve supply

Pudendal nerve (S2 and S3) or from small direct branches of sacral ventral rami (S2 and S3).

Blood supply

Internal pudendal artery and inferior gluteal artery from the internal iliac artery.


Relevant research

There is evidence to show that patients with obstructed defaecation had no contraction of the pubococcygeus muscles, perhaps due to neuropathic weakness of the muscles.

Lubowski, D. Z., King, D. W., & Finlay, I. G. (1992). Electromyography of the pubococcygeus muscles in patients with obstructed defaecation. International journal of colorectal disease, 7(4), 184–187.

Pubococcygeus exercises



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