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Superior Rectus

General information The superior rectus is a muscle that is in orbit. As one of the extraocular muscles, it is innervated from the superior division of the oculomotor nerve. When in its primary position, the muscle’s primary function...

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General information When it comes to human anatomy, the supinator is a broad muscle located in the posterior compartment of the forearm. It is curved around the upper third of the radius. The main function of the muscle is to supinate the...

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General information The supraspinatus muscle is one of the smaller muscles within the upper back running from the supraspinatus fossa superior in the scapula to the greater tubercle within the humerus. As one of the four rotator cuff...

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Obliquus Capitis Inferior

General information Obliquus capitis inferior is a muscle of the lateral sides of the neck that slant downward. Literal meaning Lower slanting muscle of the head. Interesting information Obliquus capitis inferior is a skeletal muscle of the...

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Obliquus Capitis Superior

General information Obliquus capitis superior is the muscle located on the upper back part of the neck. Literal meaning The upper slanting muscle of the head. Interesting information Obliquus capitis superior is a skeletal muscle of the...

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Obturator Externus

General information Obturator externus, sometimes considered part of the gluteal region, covers the anterior wall of the pelvis. Literal meaning The outer muscle that occludes. Interesting information Obturator externus is a skeletal muscle...

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Obturator Internus (hip)

General information Obturator internus is a hip joint muscle – part of the deep hip rotator group. Literal meaning The internal or middle muscle that occludes. Interesting information Obturator internus is a muscle that is situated...

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Occipitalis (head)

General information Occipitalis is often referred to as the occipital belly of the epicranius muscle. Literal meaning The muscle on the back of the skull. Interesting information The occipitalis muscle, or occipital belly, is a muscle...

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Omohyoid (neck)

General information Omohyoid is a muscle of the cervical wall extending from the hyoid bone to the scapula. Literal meaning The muscle of the shoulder and hyoid bone. Interesting information The omohyoid muscle is situated in the neck and...

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Opponens Digiti Minimi (hand)

General information Opponens digiti minimi is part of the hypothenar group of the hand muscles. Literal meaning The muscle that moves the little finger to the opposite side of the hand. Interesting information Opponens digiti minimi is also...

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General information Occipitofrontalis is a scalp muscle that is long and wide. This muscle and the temporoparietalis make up the epicranial group of the facial expression muscles. Literal meaning The muscle upon the skull that goes from the...

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Opponens Pollicis

General information Opponens pollicis is a triangular muscle of the hand that allows the thumb to oppose the fingers. Literal meaning The muscle that places the thumb on the opposite side of the hand. Interesting information Opponens...