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Plantar Interrossei

General information The three plantar interosseous muscles are each located below the metatarsal bones and are components of the 4th and most inner layer of muscles in the bottom of the foot. Literal meaning In Latin, they are referred to...

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General nformation The plantaris muscle is often disregarded as a small, functionless muscle. It is approximately 2-4 inches in length comprised of a thin elongated tendon and a slender muscle belly. Though often deemed unimportant, it is...

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General information Platysma is a broad thin sheet-like muscle situated superficially in the neck’s anterolateral region. Literal meaning The wide muscle. Interesting information Platysma band, also called turkey neck, is one of the...

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General information Popliteus is the small muscle located behind the knee joint and flexes and medially rotates the leg at the knee. Literal meaning Ham of the knee. Interesting information Popliteus is a small muscle located at the back of...

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Posterior Scalene

General information Posterior scalene is a lateral muscle on the inferior half of the neck. Literal meaning Muscle with three unequal sides that is behind. Interesting information Posterior scalene is one pair of the group of three pairs of...

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Generalinformation Procerus is a small, triangular muscle in the head that occupies the glabella, the area between the eyebrows. The muscle, along with the nasalis, levator nasolabialis and depressor septi nasi, make up the facial muscles...

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Pronator Quadratus

General information This square shaped muscle located on the distal forearm acts as a pronator for turning the hand. Since it is located on the anterior side of the arm, it is innervated from the branches of the median nerve and the...

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Pronator Teres

General information The Pronator teres muscle is mainly located in the forearm, and in combination with the pronator quadratus, works to pronate the forearm. It allows it to turn in such a way that the palm faces backwards when the body is...

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Psoas Major

General information Psoas major is a large muscle located in the posterior abdominal wall that helps move the upper leg and the torso closer together in a flexion movement. Literal meaning Greater loin region. Interesting information Psoas...

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General information The pubococcygeus is part of the levator ani muscle, along with the Iliococcygeus. Literal meaning The time of coming of hairs. Interesting information Its literal meaning is in reference to the appearance of hairs...

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General information The puborectalis muscle is a U-shaped sling muscle which travels from the bodies of the pubic bones, past the urogenital hiatus, and then around the anal canal. Literal meaning Straight muscle of the pubic area....

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Quadratus Lumborum

General information The Quadratus lumborum muscle is located in the lower part of the back. It boasts a quadrilateral and irregular shape and it is broader at the base than it is at the top. Literal meaning Square loin. Interesting...