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Adductor Pollicis (hand)

General information The adductor pollicis is one of 38 muscles which control the human hand. Literal meaning Long muscle which brings the thumb closer to the midline of the hand. Interesting information The adductor pollicis is a fan-shaped...

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Adductor Hallucis

General information Adductor hallucis is a two-headed, intrinsic muscle in the sole of the foot. There are three foot plantar muscle groups, the lateral, medial and central. The adductor hallucis belongs to the medial group. Literal meaning...

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Adductor Brevis

General information Adductor brevis is a flat, triangular muscle located in the medial thigh. With 4 other muscles it makes up the thigh Adductors, the others being the adductor longus, adductor magnus, gracilis and pectineus muscles....

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Abductor Pollicis Longus (hand)

General information The abductor pollicis longus muscle is one of 20 muscles located in the human forearm. Literal meaning Long muscle which moves the thumb away from the midline of the hand. Interesting information Though the primary...

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Abductor Pollicis Brevis

General information The abductor pollicis brevis is a small muscle in the hand which serves to aid in abduction of the thumb, as well as providing a lesser degree of assistance in opposing and extending the thumb. Literal meaning Short...

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Abductor Ossis Metatarsi Digiti Quinti

General information An abductor muscle is one which draws part of the body away from the medial line. The abductor ossis metatarsi digiti quinti is a variation of the abductor digiti minimi pedis muscle (the foot abductor muscle which lies...

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Abductor Hallucis

General information The abductor hallucis muscle is found along the foot’s medial border. It enables the up and down movement of the great (big) toe and supports the inner arch of the foot. Literal meaning It is the muscle that moves...

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Abductor Digiti Minimi (Hand)

General information The abductor digiti minimi is a muscle whose primary function is to move the little finger laterally away (abduct) from the rest of the fingers. It is located on the ulnar side of the palm of the hand, forming the ulnar...

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Abductor Digiti Minimi Pedis (foot)

General information There are two abductor digiti minimi muscles, one in the hand and one in the foot. The foot has 20 muscles in total. Literal meaning The muscle that abducts (away from the midline) the little toe.  Interesting...

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Bone Tumor (Osteochondroma)

Tumors are lumps or masses of tissue that form when the cells end up dividing uncontrollably.  Growing tumors might end up replacing healthy tissues with abnormal tissue.  It could end up weakening the bone and cause it to break...

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Osteocartilaginous Exostosis

An osteocartilaginous exotosis is commonly known as an osteochondroma which is a benign bone tumour. Growing tumors might end up replacing healthy tissues with abnormal tissue. It could end up weakening the bone and cause it to break...

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Greater Trochanteric Bursitis

Greater trochanteric bursitis, or more commonly known as "trochanteric bursitis" is an inflammation of a sac of fluid that covers the outside part of your hip. Bursitis is often caused when the bursa becomes inflamed. The bursa is a small,...