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Hip articles

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Adductor Brevis

General information Adductor brevis is a flat, triangular muscle located in the medial thigh. With 4 other muscles it makes up the thigh Adductors, the others being the adductor longus, adductor magnus, gracilis and pectineus muscles....

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Greater Trochanteric Bursitis

Greater trochanteric bursitis, or more commonly known as "trochanteric bursitis" is an inflammation of a sac of fluid that covers the outside part of your hip. Bursitis is often caused when the bursa becomes inflamed. The bursa is a small,...

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Ischial Bursitis

A bursa usually sits between a tendon/muscle and the bone. It helps to protect the tendon from rubbing against the bone. The bursa is a sac of fluid so it acts similar to a small cushion, proving protection and dampening from surrounding...

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Hip Replacement

Hip replacement surgery involves removing an arthritic hip joint and replacing it with an artificial one, known as a prosthesis. The prostheses consists of a ball component, made of ceramic or metal, and a socket, which is composed of a...

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Trochanteric Bursitis

Bursitis occurs when the small sacs of fluid cushioning and lubricating the areas between the bones and the tendons become inflamed. The trochanteric bursa are larger sacs that separate the greater trochanter (a bony protuberance on side of...

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Compartment Syndrome – Thigh/Buttocks

Compartment syndrome happens when there is an excessive amount of pressure that builds up within an enclosed space of the body. It often results from swelling or bleeding following an injury. Due to the dangerously high amount of pressure...

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Burning Thigh Pain

The nerves running throughout your body work to bring information to the brain in regards to the environment (sensory nerves) and the messages stemming from the brain and spinal cord to help activate your muscles (motor nerves). In order to...

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Blount's Disease

Blount's disease is a rare growth disorder that commonly affects children, which causes the legs to bow out just below the knees.  In young infants, a small amount of bowing is not uncommon.  As children begin walking, between one and two...

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Groin Strain

The adductor muscles are a group of three thin muscles that run along the inside of the thigh. They are known as adductor magnus, adductor minimus and adductor brevis. Collectively they are called the “groin muscles”. These muscles are...

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Biceps Femoris Strain

There are three large muscles in the hamstring muscle located at the back of the thigh: the semitendinosus, the biceps femoris and the semimembranosus.  An individual suffering with a hamstring strain has a tearing or stretching of a...

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Biceps Femoris Tendinopathy

Biceps femoris tendinopathy is an overuse injury to the biceps femoris tendon (main hamstring muscle) along the back of the thigh.  As the biceps femoris has two heads, and one insertional point, pain can occur at one of two places:...

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Leg Length Discrepancy

It is not uncommon to have one leg that is longer than the other, and this is referred to as a leg length discrepancy. Typical differences in leg length can range from one millimeter to more than six centimeters. The larger the discrepancy...