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Quadratus Femoris

General information Quadratus femoris is a hip-joint muscle that rotates the thigh, abducts the knee, and stabilizes the hip. Literal meaning Square muscle of the thigh. Interesting information Quadratus femoris is the rectangular shaped...

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Quadratus Plantae

General information The quadratus plantae is separate from all of the muscles in the first layer of the foot from the plantar vessels and nerve. It works by aiding in the flexing of the second to the fifth toes. It is one of the few muscles...

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General information The Quadriceps femoris are a group of four muscles in the anterior thigh compartment or the thigh extensors. They are also knee extensors and due to their size, form the bulk of the anterior thigh, covering most of the...

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Rectus Capitis Anterior

General information The rectus capitis anterior muscle is a flat, short muscle that is nestled behind the upper portion of the longus capitis. Literal meaning Straight muscle of the back of the head. Interesting information Nestled deep...

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Rectus Capitis Lateralis

General information The rectus capitis lateralis is a flat, short muscle that rises from the upper surface in the transverse processes of the atlas. It is inserted into the underneath surface in the jugular process for the occipital bone....

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Rectus Capitis Posterior Major

General information The Rectus capitis posterior major emerges via a pointed tendon out of the spinous process of the axis. As is ascends, it becomes broader. It is inserted into the lateral portion of the occipital bone and the inferior...

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Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor

General information The Rectus capitis posterior minor erupts via a narrow tendon that is pointed out of the tubercle of the posterior arch for the atlas. As it ascends, it widens. It is inserted through the medial portion for the occipital...

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Rectus Femoris

General information The rectus femoris muscle is one of the four muscles in the quadriceps within the human body. All the components for the quadriceps attach to the patella through the quadriceps tendon. This particular muscle is located...

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Rhomboid Major

General information The rhomboid major is a type of skeletal muscle located on the back connecting with the scapula and the vertebrae within the spinal column. It works with the rhomboid minor to keep the scapula pressed to the thoracic...

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Rhomboid Minor

General information Rhomboid minor is a small muscle nestled on the back connecting with the scapula and the vertebrae of the spinal column. Located superior to the rhomboid major and inferior to the levator scapulae, it works with the...

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General information The Risorius is a muscle that controls facial expressions arising within the fascia that is over the parotid gland. It passes horizontally forward, inserting onto the skin at an angle of the mouth and is superficial to...

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Rotatores Longi

General information Rotatores muscles are a group of short muscles found on the lateral aspect of the vertebral column. The rotatores are part of the transversospinal muscles, along with the semispinalis and multifidus. The rotatores are...